Understanding Rejection (Part 1)

The church, as individual members of the body of Christ, need healing. We cannot be who God called us to be without healing of those inner wounds that have warped our perception of who we are and have influenced us to become someone other than who God created us to be. The biggest wound that most human beings deal with is the wound of rejection and for the church, this wound is a stumbling block to knowing our true identity in Christ.

As Christians, our identity is in God’s love and acceptance. However, the wound of rejection tells us that we are not loved and we are not accepted in various situations or by various people and otherwise rejected. Rejection robs us of our value because what is not loved or accepted is not valued. As a result, the wounded soul now begins a search for identity by seeking that which makes the wounded soul feel valued, which are generally ways in which the world finds identity such as appearance, status, achievements or performance, which creates the acronym ASAP.

This wound of rejection often develops in childhood through direct acts of rejection such as abuse, neglect, strict discipline, abandonment, favoritism or differential treatment among siblings, criticism, high standards of approval, habitually yelling at a child, etc. The wound of rejection can also develop through indirect failures to act such as a failure to emotionally bond with a child, a failure to nurture, validate, comfort, or even the failure to express love to a child in the way that child receives love.

While the wound of rejection often develops in childhood, it is often exacerbated throughout one’s adult life as the stronghold of rejection begins to take over more and more of that person’s thoughts and emotions. The bigger the stronghold, the more a person will feel or believe the lie of rejection, even in situations where that person is not actually being rejected. As a result of this wound, the person will begin to see through the eyes of rejection and think through the mind of rejection, which will often lead to over exaggeration of being rejected or false perceptions of being rejected.

A lot of times, this wound of rejection is often overlooked because it has become accepted as normal. However, there is nothing normal about a wound that never heals. This wound of rejection, and all heart wounds, are open doors to demonic influence in many believers’ lives because demonic spirits are to woundings what flies are to open sores—they swarm them. A soul wound is an infected place where demonic spirits habitate, in the same way that maggots habitate in places where there is death.

This demonic influence is increased even more as the wounded soul begins making subconscious covenants with evil for self-protection in order to soothe the pain of rejection, avoid the pain or cover up the pain. Some of these evil forces with which we sometimes make covenant to self-protect a wounded part of our soul include the spirit of anger, the spirit of rebellion, the spirit of pride, the spirit of addiction, the loner spirit, and the spirit of fear, which is generally the ring leader that sends an alert of false danger, which compels the person to do something! These self-protection mechanisms are often enforced when a person is triggered or someone otherwise poked the wound.

(c) 2019 by Annette D. Brown @ Restoration Training Hub

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