The stronghold over the church today is rejection, which has led many Believers to take on a false identity according to what is loved and accepted in the world by way of appearance, status, achievements, or performance, which gives the wounded soul a false sense of value.
We are a global ministry that is aligned with God’s vision to restore the identity and functionality of the church, as the body of Christ. The church has lost its identity and functionality and when a people are lost, they will not function as designed.
We are loved and accepted by God! That is our identity. God’s love for us should be our only source of value.
Nothing else should make us feel good, feel loved, feel accepted, other than God’s love. While some may know God’s love, something else is filling them, in addition to that love. His love has to be the only source!

Rejection is a stronghold over the church!
The stronghold over the church today is rejection, which has led many Believers to take on a false identity by finding their value in what is loved and accepted in the world by way of appearance, status, achievements or performance, which gives the wounded soul a sense of value. Restoring the church begins with healing from the wound of rejection and other heart wounds, in addition to deliverance from other works of evil, that have changed the identity of who we are, and derailed many from their destiny, in their search for identity.
The church was intended to function as the governmental arm of the Kingdom of God. The church’s name itself indicates a governmental function because the Greek word for church is ekklesia, which in biblical days was a group of people in Greece, that were called out to meet for the purpose of discussing governmental policies and decisions…
The ekklesia back in biblical days functioned as a governmental arm and they had a governmental purpose. They were not simply the called out ones as some have reduced the meaning of the church today, but they were called out to meet and govern! Every kingdom or nation has a government and a governing body. The Kingdom of God is no different and scripture confirms this. In Isaiah 9:6 which speaks of the coming of Jesus, it states that Jesus was coming with the government upon his shoulder. In other words, Jesus was coming to establish a government and according to Isaiah 9:7, that government would be over His kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God.
It is common knowledge that what Jesus established through his death, burial and resurrection was the church (Matthew 16:18), which is not only the body of Christ, but also a governmental body as the name itself indicates. Furthermore, while the Jews thought that Jesus was coming to establish an earthly kingdom, he made it clear in John 18:36 that his kingdom was not of this world, meaning it was a spiritual kingdom. Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God in this earth, and a government to rule and expand His Kingdom. That government is the church.
We have been appalled in those brief moments when the United States government was shut down but how many people are appalled that God’s government has been shut down for centuries? When a people stop praying, God’s government is shut down. While the church is the governmental arm of the Kingdom of God, prayer is the mode through which the church is called to govern. Through prayer, we the church have been given power and authority to rule, to reign, defend the Kingdom from demonic invasion, and expand the Kingdom of God in this earth. It is time for the church to rise up as the ekklesia, and begin to govern in prayer!
(c) 2019 By Annette D. Brown @ Restoration Training Hub