Speaker: Annette is an inspirational speaker with a powerful testimony of faith and discovering the love of God. She will share with your group how she went from living a lukewarm life for God, to leaving her career as an attorney and giving up everything to follow God, all because she knew his love for her. Annette is convinced that when she found the love of God, she found the treasure in the field as noted in Matthew 13:44 and as a result, she was willing to sell everything for that field, because she knew, there was more where that came from. Her life of faith, deep trust in God and her revelation of God’s love, will inspire your group to grow in their faith and draw closer to God. Annette also teaches on the biblical principles of love and faith and the practical application of not only receiving the love of God, but walking in love and living by faith, as these principles are keys to the maturity of the church.
Prayer Teams: If your church does not have a prayer team, that is the equivalent of leaving the back door of your church wide open for criminal activity. On the other hand, if your church has a prayer team that is not running effectively, that is the equivalent of closing your back door but not locking it. Then there are those situations where a church may have a prayer team up and running but would like some additional training on different prayer strategies. We can help in either situation. We train up groups to get your prayer team started, train an existing prayer team to be more effective or offer training on various prayer strategies to enhance your prayer team.
House of Prayer: Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 that his house (the temple of God), shall be called a house of prayer. As believers in Christ, we are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Therefore, in its application today, Matthew 21:13 is about the body of Christ, as the temple of God, being a house of prayer or otherwise a people of prayer. Every Believer is called to be a house of prayer. We will train your church or group on the fundamentals of prayer, how to pray more effectively using various prayer strategies or do training on the principles of spiritual warfare, so the church can be the house of prayer that God called us to be.

Healing: God’s will is that you should prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2). This scripture links good health and prosperity in all things, to the condition of one’s soul. Therefore, healing the wounded soul is a necessity for maintaining good health and removing physical sicknesses from the body or demonic strongholds. Healing the wounded soul is also a necessity because these wounds can negatively impact our identity, our character, our finances, our choices, the works of our hands, relationships with mankind, our relationship with God, and ultimately our destiny! We train on the fundamentals of healing the wounded soul, how to identify these wounds, how to deal with the evil forces attached to these wounds, and give you specific prayer strategies for healing these wounds, while renewing the mind to walk it out.
Deliverance: Deliverance is all about taking authority over evil forces that have entered a person’s life to steal, kill and destroy that person and block that person from fulfilling their destiny. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) and he called the body of Christ, to continue this work (Matthew 10:8). However, deliverance must first take place within us because we have no power over that which has power over us! It is for this reason that Jesus directed us to pray, “deliver us from evil” in Matthew 6:13. The church needs deliverance. We train your group on how to identify, dismantle and take authority over the works of evil to remove spiritual blockages that can hinder their destiny and how to close the doors through which the enemy entered.
Healing & Deliverance Ministry: Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18 that these signs will follow those who believe…they will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. Every believer is called to lay hands on the sick for healing. While not every believer has the gift of healing, every believer has been given the authority to administer healing by faith in the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Healing often goes hand in hand with deliverance because there are often evil forces that block the manifestation of healing. We will train your church or group on the fundamentals of healing and deliverance, the various ways the enemy obtains legal rights into the soul, how to dismantle those legal rights and strategic prayers for healing or deliverance. We will also lay the foundation for building a healing and deliverance ministry in your church or community, and activate a group to go forward!

Leadership: There are many leaders sitting in the church pews, at home, and other places, sitting on their gifts, ignoring their calling, hiding behind the shadows and either afraid to lead or totally unaware that they are leaders. We desire to call them out and raise them up to lead in the sphere of influence that God has given them to lead. Everyone is a leader because leadership is not about a title. Leadership is about a mentality. It is a way of thinking and responding in various situations that allows projects, businesses, ministries and destinies to move forward in a way that will impact culture and transform lives. We train leaders to think and respond like leaders, help them to identify and heal from those things that hinder their ability to lead, equip them as leaders, and release them into their destiny! The church, meaning the body of Christ, was called to lead!
Kingdom Business and Finances: All leaders need finances to fulfill their calling and reach their destiny. The enemy’s diabolical plan is to shut down finances for the Kingdom of God by hindering the finances of those with a heart to give financially to the kingdom either through their careers, businesses or other streams of revenue. We train business owners, pastors and leaders on biblical principles regarding finances, help them to identify spiritual blockages in their finances, and give them prayer strategies to remove those blockages. We have worked with businesses and have seen their revenue supernaturally increase after dealing with these spiritual blockages and taking corrective steps to align with God’s financial principles.
Occult Practices and Land Cleansing: We train pastors and leaders domestically and internationally, (particularly in those countries more exposed to the occult) on how to close the doors from any past occult practices in their own lives or in their generational line that have given the enemy a legal right to block or hinder their destiny in some way. While salvation forgives our sins, salvation does not dissolve the covenants that were previously made with evil through those practices. Those covenants are still working against the man or woman of God long after salvation and must be specifically renounced and dismantled using strategic prayers for dismantling. We also provide training on how to cleanse the land from those sins that give territorial strongholds a legal right to inhabit the land and block the will of God in an area or region so that the gates will be opened for the glory of God to flood that area.