About Annette Brown
Annette is a licensed attorney with a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling and through her, the Lord birthed this ministry. Annette is the Executive Director of this ministry, but Holy Spirit is the brains behind this operation.
Her Journey
Annette has been on a spiritual journey with the Lord since 1996 when she first got saved. While the first ten years of her spiritual journey was mostly Annette following religious traditions by going to church and serving in various ministries, the next ten years and beyond is where Annette learned to have a relationship with God. In that place of relationship, Annette discovered the love of God, and his love drastically changed her for the better.
While on that journey of discovering and receiving God's love, the Lord walked her through the healing process from old heart wounds that had limited her ability to love and be loved. As Annette discovered the keys to healing through her own journey, she began sharing those keys with others and walking them through the healing process so they too, could experience complete freedom in Christ.
Annette is also a devout woman of prayer and she honestly believes that prayer changes things. As such, she not only prays without ceasing but she also teaches others how to pray effectively. Anyone can pray, but not everyone can pray effectively. Annette has devoted her life to teaching the body of Christ how to pray effectively and see results.
Her Experiences
Over the years, Annette has counseled many people and walked them through the healing process, using specific prayer strategies guided by the Holy Spirit. She has trained prayer teams using biblical principles for effective prayer and has seen many people grow in prayer as a result. She has also prayed with others for healing and deliverance throughout the years and has seen many people get healed and set free. Some testimonies include an aggressive cancer tumor that miraculously disappeared overnight, a cyst that miraculously disappeared, stage 4 kidney disease healed to stage 2, a torn rotator cuff healed, back pain healed, and other healing miracles. Annette is fully persuaded that the gospel comes not with words only but also with a demonstration of the power of God!
Annette has spoken at conferences, churches, and meetings, written two soon to be published books on prayer and overcoming rejection, started another book on leadership and has taught Bible studies and small groups. She also writes curriculum, devotions, prayers, songs, and is still exploring the gifts that God has given her through the Holy Spirit.
Her Passion
Annette is passionate about prayer, intimacy with God, and building the Kingdom of God. She loves worship, prayer, bowling and spending time with family. She is the mother of one son, a daughter in love, and has two grandchildren. She currently resides in the Atlanta Georgia metro area.

About Us
Restoration Training Hub is a global training center that began birthing in Annette's heart when the Lord told her several years ago that the building called the church was intended to be a training center where the people called the Church would be trained and equipped in the things of God. Annette had never heard of the church as a training center before and wondered what that would entail. Although the Lord had given her bits and pieces of the puzzle, she had no idea what the big picture would look like. As a result she continued to walk with God as he took her on what seemed to be unrelated roads but little did she know they were all connected.
The Lord would later impress upon Annette that it was time to launch the training center and she did. Annette was still not sure what that would look like, but as she fasted and prayed, and began taking small steps of faith, the Holy Spirit began bringing the puzzle pieces together! To Annette's surprise, the training center entailed everything the Lord had been walking her through during her years of preparation!

The Vision & Mission
Our vision is to see the restoration of the identity and the functionality of the church as the body of Christ.
Our mission is to train the body of Christ in prayer, healing, deliverance and leadership as we believe these are vital keys to the restoration of the church.
Restoring the identity of the church begins with healing from the wound of rejection and other heart wounds, in addition to deliverance from other works of evil, that have changed the identity of who we are, and derailed many from their destiny, in their search for identity. There are also spiritual blockages that have locked up the destiny of many people in the body of Christ and the restoration of the functionality of the church will require dealing with these blockages.
Hosea 4:6 states that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge and this definitely holds true for the church. The church has lacked knowledge in how to walk through the healing process of those inner wounds, practical steps to self-deliverance from various evils, how to effectively deal with the enemy in prayer and leading in the things they are called to do.
We endeavor to create a global classroom where the body of Christ will have access to biblical information, revelation and teachings concerning the areas of prayer, healing, deliverance and leadership, in addition to onsite training as available. Our hope is that the body of Christ will gain knowledge and understanding in applying these keys that will help them in restoring their identity and functionality, including heir intimacy with God, and then helping others to do the same.

We Believe
♥ We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Son of God (1 Cor. 15:3-4, Mat. 16:16).
♥ We believe in the authority of the Bible as the word of God, from Genesis to Revelation (2 Tim. 3:16).
♥ We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8).
♥ We believe in the power of forgiveness to overcome the darkness (Acts 26:18).
♥ We believe that Jesus gave us authority over all the works of the enemy (Luke 10:19).
♥ We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 12).
♥ We believe the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead lives in every believer (Romans 8:11).
♥ We believe Jesus is coming back for a holy church that is without spot or blemish (Eph. 5:27).
♥ We believe in faith, the love of God, the grace of God, and the power of prayer (Heb. 11:6, Ro. 5:8; Ja. 5:16).